
Distractions, Detours, and Dead Ends

You can try to plan for everything, but no matter how much you think you have thought of it all you will arrive at distractions, detours and dead ends. Here are some ways a mentor of mine taught me to identify and resolve these issues.

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When to Call it Quits

There’s a risk to calling quits on something too early. The greatest things often take the longest time to build. Yet at the same time, there are moments when a shift is necessary and it’s the right decision to call it day… but how do you know?

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What You Need to Know About Your 20s and 30s

Most people in their 20s and 30s believe this time period is for finding their grand business idea or discovering what they’re going to do for the rest of their life.

I think this is the wrong question to ask and can be detrimental if the right questions aren’t asked. Here are the things one should consider at this stage in life.

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To Scale or Not to Scale

Over the past few years, I’ve enjoyed meeting and interviewing entrepreneurs who have built various types of businesses. This is how they’ve answered the question of whether or not to scale their business.

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How to Increase Focus & Discipline

Focus and discipline are admirable traits that are becoming rarer in today’s noisy and fast-paced environment. For entrepreneurs who tend to move quickly, it’s important to know what areas of opportunity require undivided attention.

Here are a few lessons I’ve learned from guests on The EnTRUEpreneurship Podcast who seem to manage it all.

Here are a few lessons I’ve learned from guests on The EnTRUEpreneurship Podcast and how they manage it all.

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Learning from Embarrassing Screw Ups

As they say, perfection is the enemy of progress. So how should we, as entrepreneurs, handle screw ups early on in starting a business? I’m sharing my personal recent experience with my mistakes while launching the EnTRUEpreneurship Podcast.

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